All in Illegal

“This was my second abortion. Unlike the first, my heart is sad because I do not doubt my partner, how much we love each other, but precisely for that reason we decided to postpone our paternity and fulfill the goals we have and the dreams in which we are still only two :)” Read more.

“Este fue mi segundo aborto. A diferencia del primero, mi corazón está triste porque no dudo de mi pareja, de lo mucho que nos amamos, pero precisamente por eso decidimos posponer nuestra paternidad y cumplir las metas que tenemos y los sueños en los que aún somos solo dos. :)" Lee mas.

“We were super broke, there wasn’t even enough money to go to the cinema. There were also complications in my previous pregnancies and my life was at risk. But still, that’s not why I had the abortions. I had them because I didn’t want to have another baby.” Read more.

“A gente estava super apertado, sem grana suficiente nem pra ir ao cinema, não tinha mesmo! As minhas gravidezes também foram complicadas, eu corria risco de vida. Mesmo assim, não foi por isso que eu fiz os abortos. Eu fiz, porque eu não queria ter outro filho!” Continue lendo.

“I felt lost and scared. I didn’t want to keep the child, but lived in a country where abortion was illegal. I had already had a very painful and difficult abortion a few years ago, and was afraid of having to go through the same process again. I didn’t want to be a mother. My partner at the time didn’t want to become a father either, and we didn’t plan to have a future together.” Read more.

“To me, I actually felt that it was too soon to be having another abortion, and at some point I was scared something was going to go wrong in the process. It was awful, but just for a few hours. Fortunately for me the cramps and bleeding weren’t as high as the first one. I'd still choose this kind of abortion over surgical. Thanks to God and my boyfriend who stood by me.” Read more.

“In both cases, they were accidents with men I knew very recently, and the truth was it was not the right time, nor did I have the desire to start a family with someone I did not even know. It would have completely changed my life. I want to have children but not in this way.” Read more.

“En ambos casos fueron accidentes con hombres que conocí hace muy poco tiempo, y la verdad es que no era el momento adecuado, ni tenía el deseo de formar una familia con alguien que ni siquiera conocía. Habría cambiado mi vida por completo.Quiero tener hijos pero no de esta manera.” Lee mas.

“Now, 10 days after, I feel great. I fell pregnant by accident literally 2 days after losing my job. My financial situation was very bad. I couldn't afford a child. The fact that abortion is illegal in my country is irrelevant to me. Nobody can dictate what to do with my body. I believe that every woman should be aware of this option and take advantage of it if she feels the need to.” Read more.

„Teraz, 10 dni później, czuję się świetnie. W ciążę zaszłam przypadkowo dosłownie 2 dni po utracie pracy. Moja sytuacja finansowa była bardzo zła. Nie stać mnie na dziecko. To, że aborcja jest nielegalna w moim kraju, nie ma dla mnie znaczenia. Nikt nie może dyktować, co zrobić z moim ciałem. Uważam, że każda kobieta powinna zdawać sobie sprawę z tej możliwości i skorzystać z niej, jeśli czuje taką potrzebę ”. Czytaj więcej.

“It was the economic factor. I was living with my parents and I didn't have a job. Even though abortion goes against the religion that we profess, little by little we both assimilated it. We both mourned our two angels. I can say that the most important thing is to respect each other, among women, and to know that we are in different conditions, with different social pressures. We should have no judging of each other.” Read more.

“Fue el factor económico. Vivía con mis padres y no tenía trabajo. Aunque el aborto va en contra de la religión que profesamos, poco a poco ambos la asimilamos. Ambos lloramos a nuestros dos ángeles. Puedo decir que lo más importante es respetarnos entre las mujeres y saber que estamos en diferentes condiciones, con diferentes presiones sociales. No deberíamos juzgarnos unos a otros ". Lee mas.

“When my daughter was 2 years old, I got pregnant again. I told my mother right away. My mother helped me. So everything went back to normal. I felt a great relief. A few years passed and in 2016 I faced this situation again with my current boyfriend. I had changed the contraceptive and the other one was not working yet, I think. For me it was the same feeling of four years ago. I totally freaked out, thinking My God — my college, my plans, my financial situation in this crisis. I didn't waste time.” Read more

.“Quando minha filha tinha 2 anos, engravidei novamente. Eu disse a minha mãe imediatamente. Minha mãe me ajudou. Então tudo voltou ao normal. Senti um grande alívio. Alguns anos se passaram e em 2016 enfrentei essa situação novamente com meu atual namorado. Eu havia trocado o anticoncepcional e o outro ainda não estava funcionando, acho. Para mim foi a mesma sensação de quatro anos atrás. Eu surtei totalmente, pensando Meu Deus - minha faculdade, meus planos, minha situação financeira nesta crise. Não perdi tempo.”

“I slept peacefully all night after the abortion happened. The next day a friend came to my house and we went for a walk and distracted ourselves and I didn't feel any pain! Super quiet and fast. The trauma is not the procedure, it is the stress of the moment you discover the pregnancy and when starting the abortion. Then, I found out that I am pregnant again. 3 years later.” Read more.