All tagged Abortion Pill

“I believe that women who abort more than once are women who are grateful to ourselves for being able to decide on our body as often and at the times we deem necessary.” Read more.

”Creo que las mujeres que abortamos más de una vez somos mujeres que estamos agradecidas con nosotras mismas por poder decidir sobre nuestro cuerpo las veces y en los momentos que creamos necesarios.” Lee mas.

“I do not regret it. I will be eternally and wrongly judged a slut and murderer in my country, however the guy who raped me is out there raping others. With my second abortion, I never took a pregnancy test, I just aborted without having proof that I was and I don't care, I don't care. It’s love for myself, and my neighbor. I will not bring children to suffer in this dire world.” Read more.

“Cuando mi hija tenía 2 años, volví a quedar embarazada. Le dije a mi madre de inmediato. Mi madre me ayudó. Así que todo volvió a la normalidad. Sentí un gran alivio. Pasaron unos años y en 2016 volví a enfrentarme a esta situación con mi actual novio. Había cambiado el anticonceptivo y el otro todavía no estaba funcionando, creo. Para mí fue el mismo sentimiento de hace cuatro años. Me asusté por completo, pensando Dios mío, mi universidad, mis planes, mi situación financiera en esta crisis. No perdí el tiempo ". Lee mas.

“When my daughter was 2 years old, I got pregnant again. I told my mother right away. My mother helped me. So everything went back to normal. I felt a great relief. A few years passed and in 2016 I faced this situation again with my current boyfriend. I had changed the contraceptive and the other one was not working yet, I think. For me it was the same feeling of four years ago. I totally freaked out, thinking My God — my college, my plans, my financial situation in this crisis. I didn't waste time.” Read more

.“Quando minha filha tinha 2 anos, engravidei novamente. Eu disse a minha mãe imediatamente. Minha mãe me ajudou. Então tudo voltou ao normal. Senti um grande alívio. Alguns anos se passaram e em 2016 enfrentei essa situação novamente com meu atual namorado. Eu havia trocado o anticoncepcional e o outro ainda não estava funcionando, acho. Para mim foi a mesma sensação de quatro anos atrás. Eu surtei totalmente, pensando Meu Deus - minha faculdade, meus planos, minha situação financeira nesta crise. Não perdi tempo.”

“I slept peacefully all night after the abortion happened. The next day a friend came to my house and we went for a walk and distracted ourselves and I didn't feel any pain! Super quiet and fast. The trauma is not the procedure, it is the stress of the moment you discover the pregnancy and when starting the abortion. Then, I found out that I am pregnant again. 3 years later.” Read more.

“Probably if I were posting this post at the time I started writing it, I would have added that I would never do it again. As it turned out in the meantime, although I was always a woman with great temperament, my fiancé sometimes liked to call whores. To make matters worse, he impregnated me again in the first cycle after the abortion. This time I didn't hesitate for a moment. After the second procedure, the biggest pain for me was that I was not able to sacrifice any tears. If you are hesitating, wondering what to do, remember that it is YOUR life and the decision is yours.” Read more.

“Abortion hasn’t been at all what I feared about it before experiencing it. Abortion is probably one of the most misconceived things in the world and this misconception impacts women and their physical and mental health, for no reason. For one thing, pregnancy made me realize I’d be ready for it when the right time comes. It removed the fear of pregnancy I had once. And abortion allowed me to decide that this year wasn’t the right time for me. Both times.” Read more.

“After my third child was born and my husband and I agreed that our family was complete, I thought if I did get pregnant that I would have a hard time with the decision to terminate. I’ve always got baby fever! I had relatively easy pregnancies and births! I love the newborn phase!!! As soon as I saw that perpendicular line, any worries about being bummed went out the window. I was annoyed that I had to be dealing with this on top of everything else, but I firmly didn’t want to be pregnant right now, and didn’t want to add another to our family anyway.” Read more.

“I remember reading only one story about a woman who had a medical abortion saying that if she had a positive experience she would share it and so that’s what I’ve decided to do. I’m sharing my story to let others know that it’s okay if you’re not ready to or don’t want to have a child. I’m sharing my story to let others know that a medical abortion for me was not as scary or painful as these other stories I had read about. I’m sharing my story to let others know that they are not alone in having more than one abortion.” Read more.

“Negué el aborto con pastillas pero la ginecóloga encontró restos dentro mío así que ahí entendió todo. Me ayudó, me aconsejó y pude terminar de realizarlo sin problemas. Todo "fuera de ley" pero fue posible. “ ~~ Lee mas.

“I denied abortion with pills, but the gynecologist found remains inside me, so she understood everything. She helped me, advised me and I was able to finish doing it without problems. Everything "out of law" but it was possible.” Read more.

“I never want children. I want to get my tubes tied but doctors refuse to do this because they believe I will change my mind when I am older. The first time doctors treated me like I didn't have the ability to make a decision for myself. When I told the second doctor that I didn't feel capable of being a parent she offered me counseling and support services, like I might change my mind. The third doctor made me feel like I needed to justify why I wanted it done. The fourth made me feel bad about myself and like I was a horrible person.” Read more.

“My period was a week late and I truly thought it was just stress. My boyfriend and I had been EXTREMELY careful, except one night. I took Plan B within an hour of having unprotected sex. We broke up two weeks after that night, and another two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I really struggled with the decision since I had already had an abortion. The women at the clinic were extremely understanding and explained that some women are incredibly fertile and it isn't uncommon for situations like mine.” Read more.

“Estoy segura que no quiero tener hijos pronto y por eso usaba esos anticonceptivos, pero no sé si fue mala suerte o si hago algo mal o qué.” Lee mas.

“I'm sure I don't want to have children soon and that's why I used those contraceptives, but I don't know if it was bad luck or if I do something wrong or what.” Read more.

“My second abortion was a procedural abortion. I remember drifting off to sleep in the feet-holders, and then waking up once it was over. I didn’t feel any of it. The clinic staff gave me soda to drink and let me rest for a bit. I remember walking out of the clinic and into the sunshine, feeling elated and relieved once more. I felt overwhelmingly free. It was beautiful.” Read more.