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“I accidentally got pregnant and had an abortion during the pandemic. It was pretty traumatic but I was instantly relieved. Since then I’ve gone on to get my bachelors and masters degree. When I think of my future, I envision freedom, adventure and peace of mind. Two years later, here I am again with another unwanted pregnancy.” This story includes supportive comments from others who’ve had more than one abortion. Read more.

“I had my second abortion at age 42 and did have a moment of pause about it being likely my last chance to have a child. When I considered what I wanted my life to look like, and what I would want a child’s life to look like, they simply didn’t match up. I wasn’t in a place where I was willing to make the life changes needed to raise a child. I think every child born should be an intentional choice. People should be REALLY sure they want to give all that it takes to raise and support a thoughtful, kind human before having a baby.” Read more.

“Neither one of my grandmas were traumatized in any way, and neither one of them had a worse life because of it. In fact, their lives are better. Two separate women, separate lives and families. I would not be here today without those abortions, and I’m grateful they both felt safe to tell me and others their stories.” Read more.