"Truth is if I could go back in time I would have chosen the abortion."

This story is published at Reddit.

I got knocked up in high school my senior year and my parents forced me to keep her. They didn't give me an option for abortion and when I brought up adoption they said I was a terrible mother. I was 19 years old when I had her.

My mother had to quit her job and raise her grandchild because I wouldn't. I didn't want to. They always guilt trip me. Saying she was my responsibility. I didn't want her.

Truth is if I could go back in time I would have chosen the abortion. Granted in a few years she will be 18 years old but at the end of the day I don't love her like I should. Love her like a mother should love a daughter. We never got close. I resent her. I hate her father.

Guess I'm a terrible person. But after that I learned my lesson, getting several abortions when the time wasn't right or I simply did not want a child with that person. It's my body. I don't believe in heaven or hell. We can argue all day when a fetus is considered a "human life." I can wake up every day knowing I made the right decision.

Seeing mothers use kids as pawns, wearing expensive clothes when they have rags, screaming at them, ignoring them, throwing their body into a garbage bin (that cheerleader broad), shaking them because they won't stop screaming, pimping them out. Taking your money, your time, and your energy for 18+ years.

Shouldn't matter if it was out of rape, incest, or a birth defect. You can't pick and choose when it's convenient to have abortions and whom should be forgiven under what circumstances.

Being shamed into keeping a child they can't afford because it's the "right thing". The bills, the money, the rent, the food.

For those who love being a mother and love their children I applaud you. Motherhood is tough and hard regardless if you are single, in a relationship, or married. We make sacrifices every day and we should not be ashamed of the hard decisions we face under any circumstances.

It will be okay, I promise.

"I do not feel any pain, or any sense of loss. I can only feel gratitude that I had the freedom to make this decision."

"I would have five children right now and would have to live off government aid."