All tagged Scotland

"The hardest part of that whole day wasn't the procedure,” says Amanda Palmer, “it was actually the walk from the car to the clinic where I had to walk the gauntlet of angry, rageful, judgmental protestors." Says Alyssa Milano, “I was raised Catholic and was suddenly put in conflict with my faith — a faith I was coming to realize empowered only men to make every single decision of what was allowed and what was not allowed. I had a career and a future and potential.” Listen.

“Every one of these experiences, these disorienting and oddly empowering womb-moments, has emboldened me to speak plainly and shamelessly, to speak openly about what happens - in our hearts & in our communities - when we are shamed and herded into a dark corner regarding our reproductive decisions. about how much overall damage is done when they snatch away the sovereignty we deserve to have over our own bodies.” Click the green title to read more.