2 + Abortions Worldwide

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"Seeing that positive sign made my stomach drop."

This story is published at Shout Your Abortion.

I’ve had 2 abortions. My first was the summer going into my senior year of high school.

Seeing that positive sign made my stomach drop; thinking about how I would have to stop everything I’ve worked so hard for in school to take care of a child, how I would graduate late.

My boyfriend & I had been together for 3 years & we both knew right away. We were too young and we were NOT ready to bring a life into this world.

My 2nd was about 3 years later. With my same boyfriend. We might not have been in school but still living with our parents, we felt we needed so much more time to prepare & save money.

This one was more difficult cause my SO & I love each other so much & wanted so badly to be able to care for a child.

Life isn’t written like a book. You never know what will be thrown your way, but you can choose how it starts/ends✨

