"I ended up making the decision to terminate a wanted pregnancy after my relationship with the father turned abusive. "

This story is published at Shout Your Abortion.

I ended up making the decision to terminate a wanted pregnancy after my relationship with the father turned abusive. I didn’t feel like I could protect her or myself or take care of her on my own since I didn’t have much familial support.

I was 25 weeks and 4 days. I went to the most amazing clinic with the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. They took great care of me, and helped ensure the physical pain wasn’t bad so that I could handle the emotional pain I experienced.

Abortion is necessary and normal.

I’m still sad and struggling but the way I was treated made all of the difference. I’m grateful I was able to get my abortion even though I had to travel from Florida to Maryland. Abortion is necessary and normal.

Click here to listen to this podcast and hear an OB/GYN explain the misunderstandings and cruel stereotypes of later abortions. Learn why gestational bans and exceptions to abortion care are cruel and unusual punishment.

"I cannot be the mother I want to be at this point in my life."

"I was sixteen and dating an awful guy. My parents hated him. I was terrified to tell them, and kept it from them as long as I could."