All tagged Single mother

“I was already a mother when I had my abortions. I love my children. I believe that my work as a parent is my most important job. When I had my first abortion, I was a single mother. I had just found the courage to end an abusive relationship. It was an incredibly empowering and scary step to try to stand on my own when I had nothing. My baby girl was 9 months old and my income was well below the poverty line. I prayed and lifted all that was weighing upon me to God.” Read more.

“I had my daughter at age 21. She is the light of my life and the reason for so many things I do. Her dad and I split up after a few years and I jumped into another relationship and got pregnant. I was 25. I wanted to be excited and for a few weeks I was but I knew that having a child with this man was not what was best for me or what I wanted. He had three kids himself and I was still in love with my daughter’s dad. Without him knowing, I had an abortion.” Read more.