All tagged Ireland

“Normally, when someone dies, the clan gathers, food is brought, sympathy is offered. Normally, death bonds people. Because it’s cloaked in secrecy, abortion separates, worse, it alienates. Grief is not meant to be a solitary experience. When grief is experienced alone, it’s traumatizing. Despite the sadness, I never doubted that ending my pregnancies was best for everyone involved. I’d be lying if I told you I never thought about my unborn children and the life we might have had together. But those thoughts don’t torment me.” Click the green title to see the whole story.

“I've had to travel abroad each time to have abortions. Making the ordeal expensive and horribly inconvenient. I've never doubted or regretted my decision to terminate. But the limited access, financial burden and of course the stress of the situation — keeping secrets from family and work, lying to avoid judgement from others, the procedure itself — is exhausting.”

Click the green title to see the whole story.