"I’ve just had a second abortion almost exactly nine months after I first got pregnant."

This story is published at Shout Your Abortion.

I live in England, so I’ve watched with a little distance what has recently happened in America.

I’m 37 and never been pregnant until the end of 2021. I’ve just had a second abortion almost exactly nine months after I first got pregnant.

I told people about the first one and, the second I’ve mostly kept a secret, which feels strange. I’ve felt stupid, ashamed, and irresponsible that this happened again.

I just read an article about someone who had the same thing happen. That was good to read.

And I’m aware that other women cannot access what I can access. That blows my mind.

And I worry for what the world will be like for people born today and those still to come. Thanks for the space to share.

"What hurts most is the way it happens, surrounded by stigma, judgment, guilt from society. Lo que más duele es la forma en que sucede, rodeado de estigma, juicio y culpa por parte de la sociedad."

"I am/was not ready to be a mother both at 18 and newly 23."